
Hiring A Job And Navigating A Career Begins In K-12 Schools
Sep 2024

Hiring A Job And Navigating A Career Begins In K-12 Schools

A successful move from one job to another is not only about organizations hiring individuals to do something for those organizations. It’s also about individuals hiring organizations to do something for themselves. This makes job moves a mutual engagement between the demands of job needers and the supply of job seekers.

This approach to jobs is an application of the jobs-to-be-done theory, described by Clayton Christensen and his colleagues in a 2016 Harvard Business Review article. They write, “People buy products and services to get jobs done, where ‘job’ is shorthand for what an individual really seeks to accomplish in a given circumstance. Jobs are never simply about function—they have powerful social and emotional dimensions.”

Ethan Bernstein, Michael Horn, and Bob Moesta in their forthcoming book Job Moves: 9 Steps for Making Progress in Your Career, make this theory central to their approach to career development. For well over a decade, they’ve analyzed the activities of thousands of job switchers to distill 9 steps that help job seekers make their next job move.


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