
New Models for Education Philanthropy | ASU+GSV 2021
Sep 2021

New Models for Education Philanthropy | ASU+GSV 2021

Tom Dawson (Strada Education Network), Angela Jackson (New Profit), Katy Knight (Siegel Family Endowment), Michael Horn (Guild Education), and Ralph Taylor-Smith (ETS Strategic Capital) on New Models for Education Philanthropy at the 2021 ASU+GSV Summit.

Listen to Michael Horn, Senior Strategist with Guild Education, in this engaging discussion about new models for philanthropy in education. Examine the ways that traditional categories of giving and impact investing are changing. What cross-sector approaches are currently in play? Find out how philanthropy is breaking barriers to support solutions across nonprofits, business, and government. What is the role of investors, entrepreneurs, and technology in crafting solutions to complex problems, and how are these new approaches having an impact and reaching scale?


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