
Goodbye College Career Services & Hello 1-on-1 Coaching with Real Talk to Get a Job
Oct 2023

Goodbye College Career Services & Hello 1-on-1 Coaching with Real Talk to Get a Job

Why don’t career services work at colleges? For those in higher ed, the answers are often well known, but for those who don’t work in higher ed—particularly students and families—they just assume a college’s career services should–help them get a job. Yet they aren’t all that good at doing so. My guests, Mike Goldstein and Geordie Brackin, explain why—and add a few reasons to the list that other researchers haven’t pointed to before. And then they suggest a way to move forward, which departs from the solutions most people have offered to fixing career services. Their solution revolves around some real talk—being honest about where a student’s experience will or won’t help them out—and to understand deeply a student’s circumstances, struggle to get a job, and desire for progress so that a mentor can help them make progress. Check out our conversation on the road to unlocking far more people’s potential.


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